Ultimate Multi-Chain
DeFi Wallet

Buy, sell, hold, exchange & earn crypto, collect NFTs. Cross-chain DeFi App with 30+ blockchains & one-click access to Web 3.0, Play2Earn and NFT services.

Built on


Community members

50k +

Active Wallets

10K +

Supported Assets

40 +

Fiat Currencies on Ramp

built on

DeFi Essentials

Hold, Send, Receive

Slavi Wallet offers a versatile Multi-Crypto, Multi-Chain Wallet. Hold, send, receive, and manage your cryptocurrency portfolio across over 30 blockchain networks. Whether you import your existing wallets or create new ones, you gain the ability to manage all your crypto in one DeFi Dapp. Stop juggling different wallets for different coins.




Buy Crypto
Directly with 40+
Fiat Currencies

Fiat-to-Crypto, Fast and Easy: Why leave the app when you can buy over 200 cryptocurrencies using 40 fiat currencies right from within Slavi Wallet? Instantly fill your wallet with your Visa or Mastercard, bank account, or Apple Pay directly to you DeFi wallet through Slavi DApp interface.


Visa/Mastercard support

Mastercard support

Apple Pay


Attractive Exchange rates


Low Spread

Swap & Trade

When you need to exchange tokens within the same network or across different networks, choose Slavi Wallet.

Our Swap functionality allows you to seamlessly trade or exchange cryptocurrencies in a decentralized manner, benefiting from high liquidity and minimizing slippage. Moreover, it ensures secure transactions across a variety of networks.

DeFi Earning

DeFi Staking

Maximize Your Earnings Effortlessly: Experience our advanced staking feature and turn your crypto holdings into a profit generating powerhouse.

From holding to passive earning up to 20% APY for popular stablecoins USDT and USDC in Ethereum, BNB Smart Chain and Polygon blockchains.

DeFi Pro

NFT Viewer

Manage & track your NFTs across the multi-chain space with Slavi Wallet's NFT Viewer.

Enjoy overview of all your NFTs across multiple blockchains, such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Andromeda Metis, and other compatible networks. The NFT Viewer ensures best rate NFT display, providing a seamless and comprehensive view of your valuable digital assets in one place.

Import NFTs to Slavi Dapp

Wallet Connect

Experience simple, secure, and seamless Dapp interaction with the integrated Slavi Wallet Connect feature.

Scan a QR code, connect, and you're all set! There's no need to manually enter private keys or compromise security. Gain secure and instant access to a plethora of DApps within a trusted environment, without the hassle of key entries or security risks.

Grant authorization and dive instantly into the world of decentralized finance. Conduct transactions, access features, and manage assets with absolute ease.

DeFi Security

Uncompromising Safeguard

All blockchain security is in your hands and under your complete control.
Learn the basics of Slavi Wallet security and explore decentralized applications in the right manner.


Your unique mnemonic phrase, passwords, and keys are generated directly on your device, giving you complete control. Only you own your access data.


Your mnemonic backup phrase is your golden ticket, allowing you to restore your wallet and regain access to your assets in any other DApp with unparalleled simplicity.


No Accounts, No Verification, No KYC. Your funds remain solely under your uninterrupted control. No one can block your funds.


Slavi's non-custodial wallet uses an Encryption Storage Mechanism, fortified with advanced cryptographic algorithms, to provide your data's safety on your device, effectively barring third-party access. With the decryption key as your exclusive pass, nobody else can control your crypto.


See what makes our DApp wallet tick. Review our DApp wallet's open-source code on GitHub to understand the mechanism that keeps your assets safe.

Review on Github


Slavi Wallet utilizes your device's integrated security features, such as PIN codes, passwords, fingerprints, and facial recognition, to safeguard access to the wallet DApp and encrypted data, ensuring only unauthorized users are unable to gain entry.

Learn more